Funny Prank Sound - Air Horn

by Kir Dev Info



Funny prank Sound : funny prank apps have such a large number of sounds that are free- Fart clamor, Police Sirens, Engine sounds, Car sounds, Door Bell, and Burping.App Feature:Timer and Loop of Prank Sound Effects to Countdown Timer and the sound will keep playing as long as you want.Human Sounds:-This sounds for pranks app which have the human sound effects collection with a variety of the all genders, ages, and moods in prank soundboard such as kiss cheek, yelling, baby laugh sound, man cough even burp and baby cry sounds.Funny Prank Sound:-Make people laugh! Prank soundboard that brings farts to life. This is a fart sounds machine: prank app with baby laugh sound and lots of the meme soundboard with wet fart sounds and noises.Animal Prank Sounds:-Lets imagine we are in the zoo with many sound effects of animals including dog, cat, tiger roar,horse neigh and donkey and birds crazy sounds prank and lot of the animal prank sounds effects etc.All Vehicle Sounds:-This vehicle sounds is useful for all, you will have a good time by learning different vehicle sounds like plane,trian, motor bike, car sounds, bus, police siren sounds, ambulance and many more etc.Prank sounds Like:- Air horn sounds- Hair clippers/shaver prank- Snickering sounds- Latrine flushing- Fart sounds- Firearm sounds- Lady cough and sneeze- Man cough and sneeze- Vehicle sounds- Baby sneeze- Breaking glassDon’t let your life be boring now Download this Funny Prank Sound App & Make Your Day Happy with laughter!